The ATAFOM UNIVERSITY CAMPUS is to be built on a plot of 707 hectares in Bangui with all associated infrastructures, security fences, four main entrances with security control, and the following building complexes:
Nr. |
Building | Department |
Areas |
1. | Complex A | Executives |
2. | Complex B |
Academic Boards |
3. | Complex C | Living Quarters |
4. | Complex D | Faculties |
5. |
Complex E |
University Hospital |
6. | Complex F | Logistic Centers |
7. | Complex G | Tourism Center |
The Online Campus of ATAFOM University International is designed in such a way that all degree programs and language training courses offered at ATAFOM University can be reached in the ATAFOM’s Online rooms. Thus, all study enthusiasts and those interested in languages from all over the world can easily realize their dreams of a better education from home.
The ATAFOM online campus consists of:
The ATAFOM Online Campus offers students and language students various online learning options: