Parents frequently give their children rewards for good grades, such as bringing them shopping or cleaning their room in exchange for video games. This method ensures academic success, even if it requires the assistance of expert essay writers or paper writing services. Incentives for good grades are not new; they have existed since parents first received report cards. This method ensures that children stay on course and are rewarded for their academic accomplishments.

Many psychologists, however, believe that paying for grades or offering other extrinsic rewards for academic performance is a mistake that sets the scene for negative attitudes towards school and, in fact, a reduction in academic performance over time. Are they correct? Or do prizes for grades genuinely inspire children? This is the topic of this blog post.

Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Student Rewards

Research has found that rewards are associated with bad outcomes, whilst other studies contend that rewards are what allow students to attain their goals. Extrinsic rewards are frequently used by parents to recognise their children’s successes. These are physical or tangible goods given to pupils as a reward for attaining specified goals. These incentives are frequently recognised by students, who are aware of the benefits they will receive and strive hard to achieve their objectives. The desire or motivation to acquire something specific or avoid unfavourable outcomes drives rewards such as studying for a test or racing in a triathlon.

Personal contentment and emotional well-being, rather than concrete objects, motivate intrinsic rewards. Examples include helping to build a house or playing an instructional game, both of which bring the individual delight and excitement. These behaviours show an intrinsic urge to engage in activities for the sake of engaging in them.

Good marks, for example, might pique a student’s curiosity and lead to the learning of new skills and information. They act as positive reinforcement, helping pupils understand that their performance is appropriate and worthy of recognition. Students who receive prizes for outstanding grades, for example, tend to perform better on SATs and attend college more frequently. Intrinsic rewards, on the other hand, convey a sense of meaning and accomplishment for mastering a subject or talent. Genuine curiosity drives intuitive motivation, helping kids to think imaginatively and pursue their passions.

Extrinsic rewards are beneficial for short-term goals but can divert students’ attention away from the subject. They must be steady and increased at specific times. According to a study conducted by psychologist Edward Deci, removing tangible rewards can lower intrinsic motivation since students lose interest after they are eliminated. Intrinsic rewards, on the other hand, necessitate more planning and can take some time to generate. Finding out what inspires a student is difficult, but it may be accomplished by recognising their interests and relating them to the material. To instil intrinsic motivation in students, teachers must be passionate and enthusiastic about the subject.

Rewarding children for grades is important for assisting them in achieving academic goals, but it must be done carefully and in moderation. Teachers and parents should understand that extrinsic rewards are only for short-term goals. In other situations, however, extrinsic incentives can rise to intrinsic motivation, which can have long-term repercussions and help a student’s character.

ATAFOM University International supports intrinsic motivation but admits that there is no universal solution. We provide tools to assist families and students in having a good school year, as well as tips and tactics for parents. Enrol with us today.

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